Advertising with EcoCar

Alt - EcoCar to firma taksówkowa dysponująca własną, jednorodną flotą maksymalnie dwuletnich ekologicznych aut. Usługi TAXI w Warszawa i Trójmiasto

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Distinguish yourself

Essentialy EcoCar is a fleet of consistent, cmfortably equipped cars that are visible on the streets 24/7. EcoCar also makes a continuously growing users community who values comfort, safety, new technology accessability and care for environment.


  • Advertising and infomercial campaign available at EcoCar,
  • 3.3 million regular customers and 100k monthly courses,
  • 300 consisten thybrid car fleet in disposal,
    own facillities in Warsaw and Tri-state area,
  • 1500 companies with strategic agreements,
  • easy to settle campaigns,
  • wide range of custom solutions available,
  • dedicated service team.

We invite you to cooperate. We have individual approach to each project to fit into available budget. You can reach us at: